WEALF’s participation this Wednesday, August 17th at the Business Financing Fair, where we had the opportunity to introduce potential applicants to our program, was a great success. Thank you Board Member and mentor Leslie Toepfer for securing our appearance at the event, held at the Science, Industry, & Business Branch of the New York Public Library. Fund Founder, Vicki Weiner, made a brief presentation to all 120 attendees explaining how WEALF’s unique program of one interest free loan of up to $5,000 and one-on-one mentoring contributes to the success of women entrepreneurs with existing businesses. After the presentation Vicki and Leslie met face to face with potential applicants answering their questions and detailing the specific of our loans and mentoring. Thanks to participants Rebecca Dengrove of Brewla, Gingi McLeod of SAINTCHiC and Annabelle Santos of SPAdet for attending. Their first-hand accounts of their experiences with the fund is the best way to demonstrate to attendees the difference WEALF’s program makes for women with growing businesses. A special thank you to Rebecca Dengrove for being our official photographer.